以前看过相关报道,今天再次在格致那偶遇,据说是2002年Physics World 的读者评出的。杨氏双缝上的单电子干涉被评为史上最漂亮的物理实验。

Top 10 beautiful experiments
1 单电子双缝干涉实验
Young's double-slit experiment applied to the interference of single electrons
2 伽利略的落体实验
Galileo's experiment on falling bodies (1600s)
3 密立根油滴实验
Millikan's oil-drop experiment (1910s)
4 牛顿棱镜分光实验
Newton's decomposition of sunlight with a prism (1665-1666)
5 杨氏干涉实验
Young's light-interference experiment (1801)
6 卡文迪什扭摆实验测量万有引力常数
Cavendish's torsion-bar experiment (1798)
7 厄拉多塞测量地球的直径
Eratosthenes' measurement of the Earth's circumference (3rd century BC)
8 伽利略斜面实验
Galileo's experiments with rolling balls down inclined planes (1600s)
9 卢瑟福散射实验
Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus (1911)
10 傅科摆
Foucault's pendulum (1851)


阿基米德的王冠实验: Archimedes’ experiment on hydrostatics
罗默测量光速实验:Roemer’s observations of the speed of light
焦耳热功当量实验:Joule’s paddle-wheel heat experiments
雷诺层流实验:Reynolds’s pipe flow experiment
马赫声冲击波实验:Mach & Salcher’s acoustic shock wave
迈克尔逊-莫雷实验:Michelson-Morley measurement of the null effect of the ether
伦琴发现麦克斯韦位移电流:Röntgen’s detection of Maxwell’s displacement current
奥斯特电磁感应实验:Oersted’s discovery of electromagnetism
布拉格X-射线散射实验:The Braggs’ X-ray diffraction of salt crystals
爱丁顿观测到星光被太阳偏转实验:Eddington’s measurement of the bending of starlight
斯特恩-盖拉赫实验:Stern-Gerlach demonstration of space quantization
薛定谔猫理想实验:Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment
Trinity test of nuclear chain reaction
吴健雄验证宇称不守恒:Wu et al.’s measurement of parity violation
Goldhaber’s study of neutrino helicity
费曼O圈实验:Feynman dipping an O-ring in water

On this day..

One Response to “最漂亮的物理实验TOP10”

  1. qiusir Says:
