1969年年7月20日,Apollo 11的登月艇老鹰号降落在月球的宁静海(Mare Tranquillitatis),航天员Armstrong缓缓爬下梯子,站在月球表面,“这是我个人的一小步,却是全人类的一大步。”(That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.)另一位航天员Edwin随后下艇,形容眼前的月球景象是“无比壮丽的荒凉寂寥”。
Buzz Aldrin 拿着仪器:激光测距反射器(用来监测地球与月球之间的距离变化)和地震仪。

.经典镜头>>>Remembering Apollo 11

On this day..

4 Responses to “登月40周年”

  1. 仁心博客 Says:


  2. qiusir Says:

    Neil Armstrong August 25, 2012 (aged 82) 过世,

  3. qiusir Says:

    “We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered Earth.” --- Apollo8 astronaut Bill Anders(1968.11, 3 men launched on humanity’s 1st-ever mission to orbit the Moon.) ​​​

  4. qiusir Says:
